Fall into a New Routine

by | Aug 1, 2016 | Uncategorized

August is the perfect time to begin thinking about how your family’s routine will change this Fall. Since your pet is a full-fledged member of your family, you’ll be planning for their routine as well.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you build your post-summer pet plan:

  • Will you be busier than you’ve been?

Chances are, the Fall comes with more commitments for the human members of your family, but your pet still needs a companion. Our weekly dog walk program is ideal for clients who will have to work long hours or have after-work appointments. Cats are more independent but they really miss you too. We can come in during the work day to spoil them so they don’t “give you the business” when you get home.

  • Does your pet need to go back to school too?

Starting August 15th, we’ll be launching a new dog training program in partnership with Uptown-based retail shop Zen Pet. As you are preparing your kids to go back to school, consider whether your dog could use a refresher (or a first time lesson) in appropriate behavior and boundaries. Contact Sarah for more info: 504-458-9965.

If your dog needs to learn to how to communicate better with other pups, PreK9 is for you. It’s playtime with a purpose! 1.5-2 hours of fun at the dog park supervised in a 2 dog:1 supervisor ratio so that SPCR’s trained staff can correct misbehaviors and encourage proper play.

Is your cat acting up? Teaser: SPCR is working on a new cat behavior program! Keep your eyes peeled for our launch this year and let Sarah know if you’re interested.

  • Can you plan your travel schedule in advance?

Labor Day is a busy time for SPCR and right after, we’ll start filling our Thanksgiving and Christmas slots. Don’t delay making your travel plans. You’ll save money on flights and hotels and you can book your pet sitter months in advance so you can relax.

The Special Pet’s Sitter


Good for the Earth


NOLA Kitten Sittin’


